Comment ============================================================= WHOHAS.MNU Copyright 1993-2000 by Marc Perkel Returns a list of users who have a specific file open. Computer Tyme * Note: This utility doesn't determine who has a file open. It sends a request to the Novell server which returns a list. The server checks security and will return an error if the user doesn't have rights. I can not program around these Netware restrictions. NT doesn't support this so I can't check files on NT servers. This is an example of how you can use MarxMenu to write a command line utility. ============================================================= EndComment ;#Define Shareware var Masterlist FileList ConIndex LargestConnection LongestName LongestFileName SendMode DropMode Message UserCount FileMask MyConnection PreferredServer Grant Revoke Qualifier ConnectionFound ConnectionName ConnectionStationAddress ConnectionObjectType ConnectionLoginTime ConnectionObjectNumber Main ExitWhoHas ;========================== PROCEDURES ========================== Procedure Help Writeln 'Computer Tyme WhoHas * Copyright 1993-2001 by Marc Perkel' Writeln 'All Rights Reserved * Version 3.2 * Release Date: 02-19-01' Include 'ADDRESS.INC' Writeln 'This utility returns a list of users who have a specific file open.' Writeln 'Shows username, connection, and login time.' Writeln Writeln 'USAGE: WHOHAS /S/D "Message" Writeln Writeln ' /S = Send message to users who have file open.' Writeln ' /D = Drop connection of users who have file open.' Writeln ' /G = Grant Console Operator Rights to User' Writeln ' /R = Remove Console Operator Rights from User' Writeln ' /L = List users with Console Operator Rights' Writeln Pause Writeln Writeln 'Examples:' Writeln ' WHOHAS N:MARXMENU.OVR' Writeln ' WHOHAS N:MARXMENU.OVR /S "Please exit menu!"' Writeln ' WHOHAS N:MARXMENU.OVR /D' Writeln ' WHOHAS USERNAME /G' Writeln ' WHOHAS SERVER/USERNAME /G' Writeln ' WHOHAS USERNAME /R' Writeln ' WHOHAS SERVER/USERNAME /R' Writeln ' WHOHAS /L' Writeln ' WHOHAS SERVER /L' Writeln ' WHOHAS *.DBF ;Yes! Wildcards are allowed!' Writeln ' TYPE FILE.LST|WHOHAS Writeln ' WHOHAS \\TYME\SYS\PUBLIC\NSK\MARXMENU.OVR' Writeln ' WHOHAS TYME\SYS:PUBLIC\NSK\MARXMENU.OVR' Writeln Pause Writeln '/D/G/R/L/S Require Supervisor or Admin Rights' Writeln Writeln 'Number of files open returned in DOS ErrorLevel' Writeln Writeln 'Users must have "Console Operator" rights to use this program.' Writeln 'On Netware 4+ servers you must set the Bindery Context.' Writeln Writeln ' Example: Set Bindery Context = O=CTYME' Writeln Writeln '$95 per Server. Written in MarxMenu.' Writeln 'Comes free with the Network Survival Kit.' Writeln ShowRights ExitWhoHas EndProc Procedure Pause var Ch if OutputRedirected then Return Write 'Press and Key ... ' Ch = ReadKey Write CR ' ' CR EndProc Procedure ParseServer var P P = pos('/',FileMask) if P > 0 NovSetPreferredServer(Left(FileMask,P-1)) delete(FileMask,1,P) endif EndProc Procedure ShowRights var UserName Server Username = NovLoginName Server = NovdefaultServer if UserName > '' Writeln 'You are [' Server '/' UserName '] on connection ' NovConnection '.' if NovConsoleOperator Writeln 'You have Console Operator rights.' else Writeln 'You do not have Console Operator rights.' Writeln 'Console Operator Rights are required to run this program.' ExitCode = 255 endif if NovBinderyAccess < 3 Writeln 'You do not have Supervisor/Admin rights.' else Writeln 'You have Supervisor/Admin rights.' endif else Writeln 'Error: Unable to determine user name on connection ' NovConnection '.' Writeln Writeln 'Users must have "Console Operator" rights to use this program.' Writeln 'On Netware 4+ servers you must set the Bindery Context.' Writeln Writeln ' Example: Set Bindery Context = O=CTYME' Writeln endif EndProc Procedure ScanInfo Var FileIndex L Loop MasterList FileIndex = LoopIndex Loop LoopVal ConIndex[LoopVal].ConnectionFound = True L = Length(ConIndex[LoopVal].ConnectionName) + Length(Str(LoopVal)) LongestName = Max(LongestName,L) UserCount = UserCount + 1 EndLoop EndLoop EndProc Procedure NameAndCon (Con) var Line Line = ConIndex[Con].ConnectionName + ' [' + Str(Con) + ']' length(Line) = LongestName + 3 Return Line EndProc Procedure Display Var FileIndex Line LTime Loop MasterList FileIndex = LoopIndex Writeln Writeln 'Connections using: ' FileList[FileIndex] Writeln Loop LoopVal Line = ' ' + NameAndCon(LoopVal) LTime = ConIndex[LoopVal].ConnectionLoginTime Line = Line + ' ' + DateString(LTime) + ' ' + TimeString(LTime) Writeln Line EndLoop EndLoop EndProc Procedure RemoveDuplicates (Orig) var List if NumberOfElements(Orig) < 2 then Return List = Orig Dispose Orig SortArray(List) Loop List if LoopVal <> List[LoopIndex + 1] AppendArray(Orig,LoopVal) endif EndLoop EndProc Procedure SendMessages Writeln Loop 1 LargestConnection ConIndex if LoopVal.ConnectionFound and (LoopIndex <> MyConnection) Write 'Sending Message to: ' NameAndCon(LoopIndex) ' ... ' NovSendMessage(Message,LoopIndex) Writeln endif EndLoop EndProc Procedure DropUsers Writeln if NovBinderyAccess < 3 ShowRights Writeln 'Supervisor/Admin Rights are required to drop user connections.' ExitCode = 255 ExitWhoHas endif Loop 1 LargestConnection ConIndex if LoopVal.ConnectionFound and (LoopIndex <> MyConnection) Write 'Dropping Connection: ' NameAndCon(LoopIndex) ' ... ' NovClearConnection(LoopIndex) Writeln if NovResult <> 0 ReportCode 'dropping connection' ExitCode = 255 ShowRights ExitWhoHas endif endif EndLoop EndProc #If Shareware Procedure Beg BoxBorderColor Green Blue BoxInsideColor White Blue BoxHeaderColor Yellow Mag BoxHeader ' * Shameless Beg Screen * ' DrawBox 10 8 61 6 Writeln WriteCenter '* WhoHas Evaluation Copy *' Writeln WriteCenter 'Please remember to register this software.' Wait 600 EraseTopWindow ClearKbdBuffer EndProc #Endif Procedure ExitWhoHas if ExitCode = 0 ExitCode = Min(255,UserCount) endif NovPreferredServer = '' ExitMenu EndProc Procedure ReportCode ($St) var Message if NovResult = 0 then return Message = Str(NovResult) if NovResult = 252 Message 'User not Found' endif Writeln Writeln 'Novell result code: "' Message '" returned while ' St '.' Writeln EndProc Procedure GetConnectionInfo var ConInfo Index if PreferredServer <> NovPreferredServer dispose(ConIndex) MyConnection = NovConnection NovConnectionInfo(ConInfo) LargestConnection = ConInfo[NumberOfElements(ConInfo),1] Loop ConInfo ;- Store Connection Number in Index Index = LoopVal[1] ;- Use Connection Number Field as a boolean Flag Field LoopVal.ConnectionFound = False ConIndex[Index] = LoopVal EndLoop PreferredServer = NovPreferredServer endif EndProc Procedure GatherConnections (Mask, NoFileExit) var FileName ConnectionList FList P St St = NovCleanVolumeName(Mask) P = pos('/',St) if P > 0 NovPreferredServer = Left(St,pred(P)) endif GetConnectionInfo WholeFileNames On ReadLongNames On ReadDirectory(Mask,FList) if NoFileExit and (NumberOfElements(FList) = 0) Writeln Writeln 'No Files Selected while looking for ' Mask Writeln ExitCode = 255 ExitWhoHas endif Loop FList FileName = LoopVal NovConUsingAFile(ConnectionList,FileName) if NovResult <> 0 Writeln if NovResult = $C6 ShowRights else ReportCode 'reading connections using file' endif ExitCode = 255 ExitWhoHas endif if NumberOfElements(ConnectionList) > 0 RemoveDuplicates(Loc ConnectionList) AppendArray(MasterList,ConnectionList) AppendArray(FileList,FileName) endif EndLoop EndProc Procedure GrantConsoleRights (UserName,Grant) if NovBinderyAccess < 3 ShowRights Writeln 'Supervisor/Admin Rights are required to grant or remove Console Operator Rights.' ExitCode = 255 ExitWhoHas endif if Grant NovAddToSet(NovDefaultServer,'OPERATORS',4,UserName,1) if (NovResult = 0) or (NovResult = 233) Writeln 'User ' UserName ' now has Console Operator Rights.' else ReportCode 'Adding Console Operator Rights' ExitCode = 255 endif else if (UserName = 'SUPERVISOR') or (UserName = 'ADMIN') Writeln 'Removal of Console Operator Rights for ' UserName ' is Prohibited.' else NovDeleteFromSet(NovDefaultServer,'OPERATORS',4,UserName,1) if (NovResult = 0) or (NovResult = 234) Writeln 'User ' UserName ' no longer has Console Operator Rights.' else ReportCode 'Removing Console Operator Rights' ExitCode = 255 endif endif endif ExitWhoHas EndProc Procedure ListConsoleOperators var Operators if NovBinderyAccess < 3 ;- Note: Artificial Restriction assuming that you don't want ;- just anyone to run this - Netware allows it ShowRights Writeln 'Supervisor/Admin Rights are required to list Console Operator Users.' ExitCode = 255 ExitWhoHas endif if FileMask > '' NovSetPreferredServer(FileMask) endif NovPropertyValues(Operators,NovDefaultServer,'OPERATORS',4) if NovResult = 0 Writeln Writeln 'List of users with Console Operator Rights on Server: ' NovDefaultServer Writeln 'Supervisor and Admin equivelents not listed' Writeln 'Supervisor and Admin equivelents already have enough rights.' Writeln if NumberOfElements Operators = 0 Writeln 'No one has Console Operator Rights on Server: ' NovDefaultServer else SortArray(Operators) Loop Operators Writeln LoopVal EndLoop endif else ReportCode 'Listing users with Console Operator Rights' ExitCode = 255 endif ExitWhoHas EndProc Procedure Setup var St #If Shareware Beg #Endif StandardIO AmPm ExitCode = 0 if not InputRedirected FileMask = UpperCase(ParamStr(2)) if FileMask = '' then Help endif if not NovConsoleOperator Writeln ShowRights ExitWhoHas endif if pos(':',CmdLine) > 0 delete(CmdLine,1,pos(':',CmdLine)) endif SendMode = OptionSwitch(CmdLine,'S') DropMode = OptionSwitch(CmdLine,'D') if DropMode then SendMode = False Grant = OptionSwitch(CmdLine,'G') Revoke = OptionSwitch(CmdLine,'R') if OptionSwitch(CmdLine,'L') ListConsoleOperators endif if Grant ParseServer GrantConsoleRights(FileMask,True) endif if Revoke ParseServer GrantConsoleRights(FileMask,False) endif if SendMode delete(CmdLine,1,pred(pos('"',CmdLine))) Message = NextWord CmdLine SendMode = Message > '' endif if SendMode St = 'From ' + NovLoginName + '[' + Str(NovConnection) + ']: ' Message = St + Message endif EndProc Procedure Main var List Setup if InputRedirected ReadTextFile('',List) Loop List GatherConnections(LoopVal,False) EndLoop else GatherConnections(FileMask,True) endif if NumberOfElements(MasterList) = 0 if not (OutputRedirected or InputRedirected) Writeln Writeln 'No one is using: ' FileMask endif endif ScanInfo Display if SendMode then SendMessages if DropMode Wait 100 DropUsers Endif EndProc