Upgrading MarxMenu

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When installing an upgraded version of MarxMenu be sure to copy the MARXMENU.EXE, MARXMENU.OVR and MARXCOMP.EXE files into your MarxMenu directory. A very common mistake is not copying the MARXMENU.OVR file. If you forget this file MarxMenu will lock up when you try to run it. If you are on a network and anyone on the network is using the menu you won't be able to copy over MARXMENU.OVR. You will have to wait until after hours or chase everyone out of the menu to install the upgrade.

A common mistake occurs when you copy the MarxMenu file into a working directory and someone else has the MARXMENU.OVR file open and you fail to notice that it failed to copy. If MarxMenu starts locking up after an upgrade this is probably why. Make sure the file dates on MARXMENU.EXE and MARXMENU.OVR are the same.

After installing the new MarxMenu, all your menu files will have to be recompiled. This should happen automatically, but if you are on a network and the users don't have enough access rights the compile will fail. You can recompile all your network menus as follows:


If you are using MarxMenu to log into the network then be sure to copy the new MarxMenu files into your LOGIN directory and recompile your LOGIN menu.

If you install MarxMenu in one directory and then move it to another you will have to run MARXMENU INST to recreate the batch files for that directory. Make sure that the MarxMenu files are on your PATH.

Any time you upgrade, MarxMenu should work as well or better than the previous version. Occasionally we make a mistak so you might want to copy your present NSK directory to another temporary directory until the upgrade is complete and tested. This gives you the ability to go back to the old one should the need arise. This procedure should be followed on software upgrades from other vendors as well.

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